Pearl and her hubby both died and the son was supposed to carry on with the business but i guess he did not want to i found this web page from VIP/Enterprises send them an e-mail they might be able to locate a set for you
March 23, 2015
As you may or may not know RotoChok went out of business in 2014. We, VIP Enterprises, have been a dealer for RotoChok for some 20 years. On 03/23/2015 we sold out our entire stock. Like everyone else we can not get anymore. We know of no other new ones to be had anywhere.
RotoChoks were invented, patented and the business ran by John and Pearl Balogh, absolutely great people. John passed away several years ago and Pearl ran the business for some years until she passed away. Family took it over but RotoChok was not their thing and it eventually was closed. Sad days for many folks.
As the RotoChoks never wear out, VIP Enterprises has decided to see if we can help folks buy, sell or exchange used RotoChoks.
Send us an email at if you would like us to help you along this line.
No phone calls please, as we do not have the man power to answer that many calls.
David/VIP Enterprises