I would never trust the owner's manual to tell me what type of roof is on my trailer, at least, WRT a Jayco trailer and accompanying manual. Maybe a Winnebago manual is different.
My manual is so generic, it's nearly useless. I have to go to the individual info on different systems that's included in the owner's bag to find out what is actually built into the trailer, and what's needed for cleaning, etc.
I doubt even Winnebago puts out a manual for each and every model TT they make. And I doubt they change said manual whenever a component changes from trailer to trailer.
Case in point. My manual talks about how to by-pass the water heater when winterizing. According to the manual, to by-pass a water heater, one needs to turn two valves one way, and the third valve the other. That's fine, except, Jayco changed the by pass system on my particular model year trailer, to a two valve only by-pass system.
You really need to check the information packets included in the owner's information bag to know for sure what type of roof, or other components you have in your particular trailer.
pmlevine wrote:
"The roof in the picture is not rubber. EPDM Rubber does not have a texture as in the picture. My bet would be it is Alpha Systems Superflex or possibly a TPO, but the texture sure looks like Superflex. I don't believe you ever mentioned the brand or year of trailer but most Thor and Forest River brands, Grand Design, Winnebago towables etc. use Superflex, and have for quite a few years."
I appreciate the feedback. My TT is a 2016 Winnebago Micro Minnie, I checked the owners manual, and it indicates the TT has a rubber roof, and just wash with a granulated household cleaner and water. Also to NOT use a UV protectant. But I am going to call Winnebago, give them the specific VIN number to confirm the roof material.