I have spent much time thinking about the situation and I did handle some of this wrongly. I allowed my frustration of the noise and jerk comment put me over the edge.I guess my hope was they would get annoyed and break up party. I know that was a naive thought, by the way no other campers were in my lights.
I had spoke to them the previous night and should have talked more to them in daylight. Tried to get them to move the firering that they had already moved once and had them put their truck between fire and our camper. Would it have mattered...? But at least a better attempt.
We were told the site we moved from was the most requested site in park, however, stayed empty after we moved, coincidence?
What level of noise is tolerable? Not sure but I do know that I should not lie in bed and be a clear part to 3 conversation at once. If they were quiet and then whole group breaks out in laughter, different scenario although maybe then I would have wished I heard the joke. By the way, the new site was much tighter and we had no issues with noise through the weekend so don't think it was to be expected.