total power use
the a/c units might benefit from "soft start" kits (generally listed as Hard Start)
added to the compressor start up circuit, they reduce the surge load on the generator
13k btu a/c has a compressor lock rotor AMPS surge of about 54amps
so if the running loads a/c etc total 20amps
and the second a/c needs 54amps to start the compressor spinning, your asking that 5000w genny to provide almost 10,000 watts for the few seconds it takes to get the compressor running
the compressor can't get enough power it just overloads the genny
the first one starts, because until you start the first compressor there is very little load and the genny and Grunt and get the first compressor running
but it doesn;t have enough ommph to do both
this is more about the age of the A/C components needing more power to start since they are getting older, not the generator, it was sufficient when everything was NEW