We went from Stock steps, to aluminum/steel framed steps, to Torklift Glow Steps, and now have the Morryde Step above and love them.
MAny here have positives and negatives on BOTH,, This what most complain about
1- When traveling, the Lippert or Morryde are stowed inside the camper.. Some complain about this and think it is an issue... We simply keep a hand sweep and rag in the compartment next to the door. When packing up to leave, we simply raise them 1/2 way and wipe/sweep off then stow.
2- Some have said that IF they are too close to objects, they cannot lower the steps... we have been using these types for 5 years and have never ran into that as of yet.
The Lippert and Morryde are Very solid when using, with the Torklift Glow steps a very close second.
The Lipperst amnd Morryde both have strut assists now, and they are fantastic ! you can lower or raise with 2 fingers... and BOTH ( Torklift as well ) have adjustable feet for un even ground.
At the end of the day, it will be personal choice between all the pro's and con's