westernrvparkowner wrote:
One of the "reasons" the author of the article quoted believes is symptomatic of the death of the RV industry is the supposed fact that only 3 percent of the workers in the RV industry own RVs. I would assume that would be the case in any luxury business. I doubt many workers at Boeing, or Gulfstream own a Boeing Business Jet or A Gulfstream G650. Doubt many of the line workers at Ferrari own a Testa Rosa. What percentage of Rolex employees were Rolexes? A dubious argument at best.
But you left out the thought, if they owned the junk they knowingly made things would change. Do any of those you mentioned put out junk? If they did they' d be out of business. Besides the aircraft industry is heavily regulated by our government as is the auto industry. The fox is in the hen house with the rv industry. They police themselves.