Jim Shoe wrote:
My RV and toad are insured by the agent that insures my daily driver. It doesn't really matter until you have a claim, so up 'till now, I'm satisfied. Rates and coverages are determined on a state by state basis by law. Some national insurance companies don't offer insurance in every state for a variety of reasons. Mostly due to state regulations. Very few companies would offer homeowner's insurance in Florida because of the potential for hurricane damage along the coasts, so they aren't allowed to sell auto insurance unless they offer homeowner's as well. Florida divides the coasts into smaller areas and companies must offer insurance to a set number of homeowners in each area in order to sell auto coverage state wide. Auto is a gold mine in Florida, because half the inhabitants don't drive over 20 MPH. :)
You are VERY much mis-informed about insurance in FL. True that very few companies write homeowner's policies here but that DOES NOT prevent them from writing auto/rv/boat policies. I have Progressive for the RV but they don't write homeowner's policies here. And, that 20 mph business is just nonsense.