RobWNY wrote:
Why does how other people choose to set up their camp site or how long they spend doing it bother you? If they aren't infringing on your site or otherwise breaking the rules of the camp ground, why does it motivate a self proclaimed "Live and let live" guy to come on here and make fun of how they do things? It sounds like you are anything but a "Live and Let Live Guy". If they don't set up camp just like you and to your standards of camping etiquette, you think it's funny and feel it necessary to make a post on here about it. Why don't you walk over to them and tell them just how much comedic value you find in their set up and let them know you already went on line and posted about it. Then come back here and tell us all how well that went!
No more than an observation. I enjoyed the replies till yours but that's life.