Good that you are doing research. If you were driving fifty feet away from the dealer you purchased the unit from, don't expect too much in the way of emergency service. It will go on the end of the list and you will have it back in a snappy two weeks to a month. Most dealers do not do emergency. There are many skilled mobil mechanics out there that do.
Consider this: your spring breaks in front of the dealer you got the unit from. Service department has to do an evaluation as to the cause of the breakage. Then that evaluation is forwarded to the manufacturer. Then it gets reviewed. Then a determination is made on it being a warranty issue. That decision is sent to whoever communicates with the dealer. The dealer then either tells you that the claim is denied or that it is covered. Then the dealer orders the parts if it was covered and waits for them to be shipped. When they get in you are still at the end of the line waiting for an appointment to have the work done. Remember that nobody is in a hurry to make any of the above decisions. If it is denied, you are out the use of it for whatever it took to get to that point and now have to order parts and get on the end of the line and then pay for the repairs.
Rv systems are not rocket science and the parts are common to many units. If I have something go wrong on the road, I either fix it myself or get a mobil tech to the campground. Exactly the same way most fulltimers do it. A couple of hours of my time or a tech's time is worth it to me instead of losing the trailer for a month and having it damaged in the service yard.
Just my .02