stevemorris wrote:
I'm pretty sure there is one wholesaler/importer for the entire country and they enforce the "catalog price or nothing" type rule on all of their dealers.
Well you'd be incorrect. ;) Up until recently there were four major players in the Canadian RV generic parts distribution business - Danzy (which is now Robert Thiebert), Atlas Trailer, NTP/Keystone/Stag, and Coast - however Coast was recently absorbed by Keystone and has closed their two eastern distribution points. Dealers here in the east can no longer order directly from Coast even though Coast western distribution point are still operating. Previous Coast part numbers however have been imported into the NTP/Keystone/Stag data base so in most cases Coast parts can still be ordered from NTP/Keystone/Stag. As for dealer pricing no wholesaler can dictate retail prices which are set by each individual dealer based on their own retail formulae.