Community Alumni
Aug 11, 2022IMO you would need to check the laws, rules and regulations for AZ to see if that can be done.
Do not know about SD as you can get different answers from the 4 of 5 counties that have mail forwarding.
I at one time had a house in Calif. and a vehicle registered in Calif. while at the same time being a resident of SD with a motor home and Jeep registered in SD and a SD drivers license.
Insurance was OK with it but I think I had to have an insurance agent that was registered to sell in both states.
Calif. DMV was OK with it and was mailing the notices and tags to SD.
Calif taxing authority was unhappy till I informed them that I had removed my homeowner exemption and was not in the state for more than 180 days (180 days is not what the law reads).
I know this does not answer your question but I just wanted to list some examples of what my experience was with two states.