ferndaleflyer wrote:
The experts have spoken!...I have homes in 3 states and have at least 1 vehicle registered in each---But I only have one drivers license. A motor home just might be any where and all my vehicles are insured by the same company. It works for me.
Getting away with something and being legitmate are two different things.
You will still have a state of residence/domicile even in your scenario (your federal tax return address is a good hint but there are rules that define it)
Just because that state hasn't found out about you registering in the other states doesn't mean they can't nail you for it if they find out.
- Of course, if those other vehicles never enter your state of residence, there may be an exemption depending on the state.
Likewise, are you clear with your insurance company where they are stored and used? Again so long as you don't have a claim and they don't find out, they will continue to issue you a piece of paper that may be worthless if they do find out.