Don and Eileen wrote:
I just chatted with someone from the DOR. She said we can maintain our RV registration in SD, but not every county will allow it. The research continues.
There's NO problem keeping your RV registered in SD !
Chat with Americas Mailbox - ask lots of questions.
However - the REAL problem you may/will have is *IF* your DL is not
from AZ - you best have your ducks in a row when you explain it
to an LEO (in AZ).
Like the Mod said - some/most states want their revenue! Some LEOs could care less - some LEOs care A *LOT*. The guy or gal behind the badge may or may not "buy into" your program! "Sign here, tell it to the judge next month, have a nice day - and drive carefully!"
Good luck with "the plan" !!