Michael - Don't think you'll get 30% off of MSRP, unless it an old model, the dealer has jacked up the MSRP with a lot of add-ons (high profit items), or they can't afford to take it back to the dealership from the show. I think you'll be doing good getting a 15% discount on current popular models at a show. Guess you can try to get a bigger discount, but if the dealer isn't hungry you'll probably not fare well. Usually the cost of displaying at a show costs the dealer big bucks, so they don't have too much negotiating room. Don't let impulse govern your desires, just go to the show and get to know with whom you can probably do the best and let them come to you after show is over and you've had time to think it over. Maybe look at one/two year old used units that are on consignment, you'll save the big depreciation that happens when you drive off the lot with a new one!