Hornnumb2 wrote:
Our local show is next week, are the prices at shows really to good to pass up.
I really wanted to get mine sold first before I jump into another.
I see people saying take 30% off msrp
but the prices I am getting is way far from that.
Thanks Michael
RV shows - "show prices" are intended for those that "gotta have it NOW".
They are *not* too good to pass up. (= "Pass")
Get yours sold first = Good plan!
MSRP for many RVs is meaningless - *unless* the manufacturer (*not* the dealer) has a site with MSRPs - including avail options.
Soooo - often RVs at shows represent *dealer* MSRP.
Mark it up - offer big discounts.
Smoke and mirrors!
Most RV shows are limited (by the show producers) to the dealers who can participate. (Especially Pomona, CA)..:(
They pay to play!..:R
Consequently, there may be several dealers -in the same area/s- carrying the same brands - who are *not* represented at the show.
(Show = Eliminate the competition!)
The "other guys" often have better prices than the ones at the show.
*If* you are willing to *order* whatever RV you want - *you* are in the driver's seat (even if it's a Trailer, LOL!)
The Internet is your friend.
Shop far and wide for *exactly* what you want.
Then the 30% off is pretty easy to accomplish.
How far will you travel for 30% - or maybe a dealer closer to you for 29%, LOL! - is up to you.
The same "almost" applies to units on dealer's lots - but expect to negotiate.
End of the (any) month is good time to give it your best shot.