mgirardo wrote:
txharleydude wrote:
I feel like it gives me a significant travel safety edge.
You'd have an even more significant travel safety edge if you loaded your RV like you would for a camping trip, then weighed the RV. Knowing what the loaded RV actually weighs is more important than what it weighed when it rolled out of the factory.
Good grief!!!
I really was not very clear, because there really is a lot more to it. Yes, the software allows use of the vehicle manufactures weight/loading information, but as a base line.
For a motorhome example, three different load factor scenarios are able to be evaluated:
1. Manufactures Loading Specs & Cargo & Tow comparison to Tire Loading (based on selected inflation pressures at various ambient temperatures)
2. Estimated Cargo and Tow Loading comparison to Tire Loading (based on selected inflation pressures at various ambient temperatures)
3. Actual Scale Weigh loading comparison to Tire Loading (based on selected inflation pressures at various ambient temperatures)
These three scenarios can separately be converted into "Tire Loading Safety Factors" for front axle, rear axle, tag axle, gross vehicle weight and gross combined weight. A "Green" safety factor is good and "Red" is not. Simple. Also, when an actual weigh is accomplished the front, rear and tag axle loading as a percentage of capacity is provided. Then there is also my ability to dial in my TPMS high and low alarm points based on real tire inflation and ambient air temperatures.
I agree that everyone should weigh there rigs. However, just to let you know, most fellow RV'rs I have broached the subject with over the years have never had their rig weighed. This lends support for the fact that “overloading” is the number one cause of RV accidents.
RVWTSF was money well spent as far as I'm concerned. Like a lot of other forms of insurance, you really don't need it, until you do...