Lucy, kudos for taking this on. It must be a difficult time.
You said you have driven a few times, best suggestion would be to get some more "seat time" as well as a little practise on getting used to turning and backing characteristics. Hopefully you know someone who can assist you in getting the rig hitched and going out to practise. If you can, go to a local large parking lot, high school, or maybe somewhere on Otis etc, on a weekend when its empty and wide open for you. Watch the way the trailer cuts the corner and get used to waiting till it almost seems too late to make your turns, Backing up, the lines on the pavement will give you some guidance as to how you are doing in learning how the angles work. There are millions of others out there doing this, so remember its largely a matter of experience.
Once you are comfortable and looking at going, I would suggest you leave on a Saturday and try to get into Pa or NJ by Sunday night. Time your travels to move between 10 am and 3 pm and you should avoid most rush hour issues.
At NASKW you shouldn't have too hard a time with setting up, IIRC the sites are open, no trees and curbing forcing difficult turns, and at the base a young lady will never have too much difficulty finding a few young men willing to lend a hand to assist.