Many times in life it seems like my timing is off. One example, the US government raised the lifetime senior park pass price from $10 to $100 just before I qualified. But with gas prices going to all time highs and maybe beyond, this time I feel like my timing was right.
I had dreamed about trying full time life in an RV for about 10 years. In 2020 after retiring I finally pulled the trigger. I bought a nice new Winnebago motorhome and I travelled around Texas, Oklahoma, and Arkansas for 11 months. We spent the summer in Arkansas and the winter in South Texas.
Then in Feb 2021 I decided to put the RV plans on hold and I sold the RV to a dealer. Including sales tax I probably lost about $10,000 on an $80,000 motorhome. I had no problem with that. I spent about the same living in it for 11 months as I would have renting an apartment in Dallas.
I have a lot of good memories and sometimes I think I want to try it again, but not yet. I was hurting when I filled it up at $1.89 a gallon back in 2020. Now with gas prices more than double I am so glad I got out when I did. Someday maybe I'll do it again. But for now I'm comfortable in the old 'sticks and bricks'.
I saw this story today. Maybe someone else has already posted it. A man filled up his converted bus for a cross country trip and he spent $944 at the pump.
RV Gas Price Shock