DutchmenSport wrote:
Depends upon how far advanced your husband is. If he is still in a mild stage, there is no reason why you cannot continue to enjoy a full life. He may have moments where he fells lost, but with you by his side, you can assure him everything is OK.
Unless he needs to be hospitalized, I think I'd continue living life to the fullest. It sound like you have a good and loving relationship. I'm pretty confident he doesn't want you burdened down, denying yourself a full and happy life. If and when the dementia becomes an impossible task to deal with, then consider returning home for long-term care. Until then, enjoy life and help him enjoy it too! You can both still fulfill all your dreams, travel, go places, and do things. He may have problems associating things together, but his life will be enriched also... rather than sitting at home fretting over everything negative.
This sums it up for me too!
Another question is how able are you able to drive an RV, take care of the setup, backing in and such?
Great advice Dutchman Sport