Bishop, your story is a lot like mine. Since I was in my twenties my back would go out for a few days or a few weeks.
When my dad had a bad heart attack I planned to mow our yard and then fly out the next day. I bent over to pour gas and my back popped and the next thing I knew I was flat on the ground. I could not get up. I low crawled to our sliding glass door and I laid there till my wife came down stairs. She finally came down stairs and I got her attention. She looked at me and asked What are you doing down there. I low crawled into the house and my wife retrieved pain medication. I lay on the floor for about an hour and then I needed to go to the bathroom so I crawled up the stairs.
I called my sister-in-law and she went to help my mom and dad. The next day I went to the emergency department and they gave me pain medication. In a few weeks I was back to normal.
That was my worst episode before my current event.