Mar 24, 2017Explorer
Hi All.. Maybe it is just me but I am getting concerned about our personal safety at camp grounds. Should a camper carry a weapon(gun)in the camper? Currently I do not. Jim2007
WTP-GC wrote:Cummins12V98 wrote:Old-Biscuit wrote:
Open Carry was the NORM.............then LAWS were enacted.
Open Carry then became illegal so CCW became enacted
Laws only make it more difficult for normal law abiding citizens to remain law abiding citizens.
Criminals by definition do NOT care about LAWS.
I've often found that, while I disagree with her view of life, Ayn Rand said some very prophetic things in her writings. This one is relevant to the quoted comment:
"The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws."
I won't attempt to argue with folks who refuse to accept the necessity of private gun ownership or those who continue to debate whether anyone should ever feel the "need" to carry a firearm. Instead, I point to any of the near daily incidents (like those below) that take place around our country as a demonstration (not a justification because that's long been established) for why I carry a double-stack 9mm everywhere I go!
If I knew everywhere that evil was lurking, I'd never go there. Instead, I use careful discretion as to where I go and what I do. Just like someone who gets into a fender-bender at the wrong place and time (video 1), you never know when (or if) deadly force is necessary. Good luck subduing a group of angry, violent people with your kind words or threat to call the police. Instead, be prepared to take action for your safety. I bet both people in the videos above are now lawfully carrying a firearm...and I also bet that none of the people involved in the violence have been brought to justice.
And BTW, since this has already gone 10 pages without being shutdown, let me add the following. I detest when folks use the phrase similar to this: "if you choose to carry, then you should always seek proper training first". While proper training is not a bad idea, it never ever ever ever ever takes the place of proper practice. I've never once sat in a firearms class (other than hunter safety training as a pre-teen). However, I am always practicing and shooting and simulating real life possibilities on my own. Gun safety is simple and can be summed up in a 1 minute lecture. But application and practice is something that can never be comprehensively learned without getting your fingers dirty and sending thousands of rounds down range. There are some classes that accomplish this, but not your typical CCW course. If you wish to carry in accordance with your constitutional right, GREAT! Now go practice and make yourself useful and pray that you never have to unholster your weapon in response to violence.