In the last 6 months I have seen two news articles. One from Ft. Meyers, FL area and the other from AZ near the Cali border. Both articles were about armed civilians aiding an LEO that was being attacked.
Interesting that both instances the civilian was credited with saving the LEO's life. Sad that in both cases it required the civilian to kill the perp.
I say sad for the civilian. Could care less about the perp.
I grew up around firearms. Never had a gun safe until my children were in their pre-teen years. Not because of my kids, but because of the other kids that might come over to my house. No respect in them of other peoples property or of weapons/tools.
My children never regarded firearms with any mystique or awe. They knew what they were, how to handle them, and what they were used for. Now the youngest is approaching 30 yrs old and each still regards them with as much awe as one would a hammer or pinch bar.
My children know how to hunt, grow gardens, raise animals for food if they should ever need to. None have a burning desire to hunt, but they know how. They understand woodcraft and that they are responsible for themselves and their own actions.
For those who state they do not see the need. That they will call the govt. for help. LOL I never want to be in a position were I have to depend on others to protect me and mine.
While the odds of needing to use a firearm for defense are equal to winning the lottery, I know that at least one person and sometimes several win the big lotteries. "Today could be your Lucky Day"
I look at the Gas Detectors, Smoke Detectors, and other safety equipment in my 5th wheel. These are required by law. The odds of them being needed/used are up there with the Lottery. Same as needing a firearm for self-defense. So why do we not have a law requiring a firearm being in the RV? It is after all just a tool.
Basically, it is the "Disneyfication" of today's populace. Assigning human characterization to inanimate objects or animals. No tool is evil or good. It will lie still and never move until a human picks it up and uses it. It is how the human uses it that defines whether it was used for good or evil.
Why do I read articles about people getting hurt by Bison or Bears at Yellowstone? Because people think they are like Disney cartoon characters and not what they really are. These are wild animals and will react as wild animals will.
I have had firearms around me my whole life. Never once did a single one ever go on a shooting rampage. Never once did it jump into a child's hand. Same goes for my table saw, hammer, lawn mower, air nailer, etc.
Just as one should learn how to operate power equipment, motor vehicles, power boats, etc. Learn about something on your own. I found that more than half of what I was "taught" in school was not fact. Just another persons opinion. I also learned that those other people opinions did not hold water.
Do not take my opinion either. Go out and learn on your own. Then you can make up your own mind.