are absolutely correct, my creator did not give me a "gun", he gave me the ability to use anything (a brain) at my disposal from rocks and sticks to man made "guns" to protect myself and loved ones. I also agree that my rights do not override those of private property owners therefore I don't patronize establishments that deny me my rights and that includes campgrounds.....yes, I check the rules and regs of the property.
NYCgrrl.....the Constitution, Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights are separate documents but most people view them as one and the same. I know...I know.....a sad testament to public education. The Supreme Court has ruled a number of times that the 2nd amendment is not specific to being in a militia.
The original poster asked about the prudence of having a firearm while camping and for me that falls under the issue of we must be responsible for our own safety and if we are not prepared with the best form of defending ones self then you put yourself at the mercy of those that would do harm matter how miniscule that situation may be. If you are not familiar with firearms and not willing to get the training needed to be confident and responsible with it then don't get one.