Cummins12V98 wrote:
Harvey51 wrote:
Careful, One child is killed every day from accidental shooting.
Maybe you should post what ages are considered a "child".
Also post how many children die each year in 5 gallon buckets.
I am still WAITING!
It's nice to post something that really grabs your attention that shows little children all thru the article. But the FACT is they include "teenagers" in the "children" category. Gang bangers are part of these statistics. Maybe someone can post the ages of these "children".
The sad fact is these same people that are anti gun and throw out these deceiving statistics are the same ones that will NOT allow Eddie Eagle to come to their schools and teach children about gun safety. Yes the NRA sponsors the program but in NO way is the NRA promoted in the classes. Pretty sad a free program that DOES save lives is not allowed in there liberal areas that many just so happen to have some of the worse gun violence.
To show my "children" what a gun can do to a person I placed a watermelon on a tree stump and shot it with a shotgun. That opened their eyes!