NYCgrrl wrote:
I believe you are getting your information from an OPINION piece published by Fox.
The fact is the shooter choose this theater after casing it and 2 others, as well as an airport. He seemed to prefer this cineplex to others for a variety of reasons: type of seating, hours of operation and the dark interior.
In all his meticulous notes, a gun free zone advantage never was listed and he fully expected to be caught or killed. This info came out in the trial and is documented there in testimony and collected evidence (his diary).
You can believe what you wish my dear. Look at this page of Holmes notes.

The man is discussing with himself the best way to kill a large number of people. He looks at the different options and discounts most for reasons of his own. Then he decides upon the venue in the last paragraph. He specifically discounts the Airport because of the security. ie: he fully understands that where there are armed people there is the possibility that his "spree" would be cut short. His "Mass Murder/Spree" paragraph shows clearly that his intent is the maximum casualties. His other page that states that armed assistance in the form of police or National Guard is in the region of 3 minutes. Thus he has decided that he has three minutes to effect as much mayhem as possible in a place that lacks security.
I can see how you might conclude that the fact this was a gun free zone was not a care to him because it isn't in his notes. However, the fact that that fact did not appear in his notes does not prove it wasn't a factor. The fact that he took into account security at the airport does however prove that he was concerned about security.
If you really don't believe that gun free zones aren't an attractant then please explain why schools, colleges and malls feature in so many mass shootings while gun stores, police stations and Bass Pro shops are conspicuously absent from the list of places.