RPreeb wrote:
My point was that I, and most people with basic CC licenses, simply don't have the level of training and experience to make life and death decisions in the short time that will usually be available.
...I can whack someone with a baseball bat, and except in rare circumstances, he will live to go to jail, and no bystanders are at risk from anything I do with the bat.
You're in the mall with your wife (or children), peacefully waiting in line at the coffee shop in the food court as you're preparing to order your lowfat mocha soy latte with cinnamon shavings, when in walks a bad guy intent on shooting up the place. Assuming you weren't one of the first ones taken out, you immediately duck for cover underneath the closest table. The bad guy is looking for more people to shoot. Naturally you're unarmed because of your latent fear of guns in the hands of the public. Fortunately, there's an armed civilian next to you who can take out the bad guy before he continues on his shooting spree. Unfortunately, the armed civilian is contemplating whether or not he has "the level of training and experience to make life and death decisions in the short time" he has available or whether or not a Joe Citizen like him as the ability to make an accurate shot. Too late...
But good thing you chose a baseball bat instead, which you had to leave in the car because it can't be concealed and the mall has strict rules about possessing weapons. (Those signs must not have been on the door the bad guy used).
Point is, when danger is present, you're always going to seek refuge from someone who has the potential to help you. At that moment, you'll not be concerned about whether or not some of the untrained amateur's shots miss the target...as long the threat is suppressed.