Forum Discussion

  • my neighborhood voted to ban them a couple years ago but it is in the courts now because this is a voluntary HOA
  • Not the city but our HOA allows me to have the RV in front of the house for just 24 hours at a time. I am fine with it,they make the neighborhood look trashy.
  • Crowe wrote:
    How is New England "hostile"?

    I don't know. We live in CT and can park our camper in front of the house if we want. I could live in it if I wanted.
  • The problem they are having in Santa Barbara is when they cracked down on homeless people by the hundreds living in and around Venus Beach/LA in motorhomes many of them went north to Santa Barbara to live on the streets and in the beach parking lot, there was not a big problem before 2008 but when the economy went south many showed up in old junkie RV's to live full time and many still do today, as a visitor myself to these areas the problem has just got worse over the past few years.

    The homeless/RV's have gave a bad name to us regular RVer's that show up for just a day or two to visit..
  • I like the dimensional rather than behavioral approach, even though my Tiger (a small C) does not qualify to park under the dimension policy.

    I've avoided Santa Barbara for years when driving the RV. Narrow non-grid streets, very congested with cars, bicycles, and pedestrians. Went there last week in my daily driver, a Honda Fit, and even that felt like it had to squeeze in to find parking.
  • I live in a nice subdivision in a city that is very "loose". We can do open burning and fire pits. We can park RVs and trailers next to our homes or in our yards. If we have family that brings their class motor home and needs to park on a street plugged in for a week, it's a simple call to the police dept. April 1st - Dec 1st we can park on the street with no permits.

    We cannot however randomly park RVs, boats, unregistered/broken down cars, semi trucks, etc. on the street for more than 48 hours. And I support that. It would become an eyesore real quick. I don't live in the "hood" and I don't want my neighborhood looking like one. If that makes me a snob then so be it, but I make no apologies about it.

    The Santa Barbara law has nothing to do with snobbery or RVs in particular. It's about the homeless. Santa Barbara has a huge homeless problem. Worse in my opinion than many California cities. Many people live in RVs and just park. As pointed out in the article, they have places for these folks to park. Why the uproar about a law aimed at keeping things looking nice? Ever go there? It's a beautiful city. I don't blame them in the slightest for passing this law.
  • My brother lived in Floral Park, a small bedroom community on Long Island. You couldn't park a car on the street overnight and you couldn't park a pick-up in your driveway ON YOUR OWN PROPERTY. It had to be in a garage. There's snob zoning everywhere. City councilors don't just make this stuff up; someone complains loud enough and they're urged to do something in fear of losing the next election.
  • It doesn't sound like anything we don't have here in small town Ohio. Matter of fact we can't park ours in driveway for long, front of house, occupy them for more than a couple days. Course sounds like living in Santa Barbara is so expensive that everyone has to live in a camper.
  • Nice job with the clickbait title. They did not "ban RV's completely"

    Similar laws are on the books in many cities. Reno it's illegal to park any vehicle over 8' tall or 8' wide on any city street for more than 48 hours without a permit.

    This isn't unusual and doesn't ban RV's. Doesn't even mention RV's just oversize vehicles.