CavemanCharlie wrote:
Grit dog wrote:
Rona inflation aside, these types of three are always hilarious to hear all the “back in my day” comments.
Vehicles are even funnier. Can’t even compare the best swill that came out of Detroit in the 70s to even the cheapest “comparable” vehicle in 2021.
And some things cost more, comparatively, and some things cost much less.
And some weren’t even around back then to compare.
Would you say a IPhone 10 is terribly overpriced compared to a 1976 telephone from Kmart? I mean the only thing in common between them is you could talk to people on both of them.
Sure it’s fun to complain about, but if you actually believe you’re getting overcharged now, in general just asked on the inflation rate, then you’re pretty clueless.
I had good luck with that Swill that came out of Detroit in the 70's because it was easy to fix and made in America. I'm mechanically inclined and can fix things like that myslef. New vehicles are great until they break and it cost a arm and a leg to fix them because you can't do it yourself anymore. And, I have had a few friends where once some computer part of the car broke nobody could figure out how to fix it and they had to give up and junk out a perfectly good car because of a broken computer part. ( Actually, my 2011 F-150 Pings when towing under load and no one can figure out why)
As for the I-phone thing. I got by without one up until now and I have no reason to buy one now. I do have a cell phone now but, I use it just for making calls (And I have been dragged kicking and screaming into the text generation) . There are tons of little button things on my cell phone that you can push and I don't know what they do nor do I care.
So, your point is, that even since you’re a handy, mechanically inclined individual, that since you decided to turn your brain off to new things at the turn of the century, that the old stuff must be better because, well, you don't want to learn anything new for the last 20 years?
Newer cars generally ain’t tough to fix. Sure some things are, but so are drum brakes and getting the starter motor off of a small block Mopar with headers and setting point gap and dwell and let’s not forget about those 203 transfer cases.
As much as I like the old iron, go take a brand factory new 3/4 ton 70 something truck of your choice, put it side by side with a new one of your choice. Hook a trailer, start driving and tell me which one needs a new drivetrain first.
But I already know the answer to that.
PS , 2 of my cars are 1974 and 1986 respectively. But I’m not predjudiced. The others are 2020, 2016, 2016 and 2006. And I can work on all of them.
PPS, try running some of that good Minnesoooota corn whisky gas or premium for the pinging.