bid_time wrote:
colliehauler wrote:
Isn't that the point! If they were as problem free as some claim there would not be very many posts of problems.
10 years ago mobile phones could only make phone calls, and most the time they dropped them. The past is an unreliable indicator of the future of tech.
Have you ever owned a schwintek slide? Some of us do, and have for several years. As compared to your "Google" experience from years ago.
Actually back in the days of analog phones I had less dropped calls, my 4 watt bag phone seldom lost a call. Not so with my quarter watt digital.
Back to the Schwintek, no I do not own one and probably never will. I'm trying to give the OP more then one source of information. I'm happy your's has been trouble free and hope it continues to be so.
Back to analogies, Some people have had great luck with China-bomb tires. I will spend the money for a better quality tire.
As to (Google experience from years ago) there is a posting date beside the information. This can be beneficial as well. If all the post are from the past it indicates a improvement in product reliability.
I simply believe that a informed consumer makes better decesions.