overdrive75 wrote:
timmac wrote:
Trust me I use to double tow and what a pain and hard to get gas while on the road, the extra weight of a trailer is no big deal compared to the double tow issues and law from state to state, besides the trailer has 4 electric brakes and no more wear on the Jeep tires and such, so much better with a stacker setup..
Please explain the issues to me.....I all ready cannot back up as the Blazer is on a tow bar and i have been all over and not had much issues with getting gas and such.....I get the laws part, I have brakes on my blazer (Blue Ox Patriot)....so I what issues are you talking about?
Issues of not being able to backup in certain areas and length, most freeway gas stations are OK but in town it can be hard with certain stations and not being able to backup adds to the problem, I can backup as far as I need to.
With double towing you are wearing down the tires on your toad, boat/atv trailer tires and the toad brakes, plus 2 less tires on the road with a stacker trailer and no wear on toad or boat/atv trailer.
Double towing laws are different in many states and not allowed at all in 2 states I like to visit, {Oregon & Washington}, plus the length laws is also different in many states, my length went from 66 foot double towing to 51 foot with the stacker, with a stacker as long as you are under 65 foot you can go anywhere in all 50 states and Canada without even worrying if you are breaking any laws.
The only issue with a stacker for my part is weight, I am towing about 1000 lbs more with this setup over my max towing weight listed by Fleetwood, however the extra weight also has Not been a performance issue or mpg issue.
And one more thing your 1st post said you have not double towed yet so try it for a while and let us know how it goes.