Bert Ackerman wrote:
kat4 wrote:
Bert Ackerman wrote:
You have yet to post the brand, model, and year. At some point the value is less than the cost of repairs and with RVs that point arrives fast, which probably explains your insurance companies position. It may be a case of just living with it. I assume it doesn't leak?
Hi Bert, I did edit my original post to say it's a 2006,Triple E, Embassy, 37' class 'A' mortorhome, which as a whole was in mint condition. I did post a couple of after repair pics too.
Unfortunately, yes, it does leak as well.
Have you reached out to the manufacturer? Send them your pictures. They made the roof, and one would think they know about repair methods or options.
I did, however, the problem now is, since the repair has been completed, the only way to tell (apparently) if the job was done properly is to take the rubber membrane off again.