robsouth wrote:
Showers in RVs are not caulked and should not be caulked. The floor pan goes up the outside of the shower walls a substantial amount ... at least 6" or so. You'd have to have at least 6+ inches of standing water in your shower for it to leak behind the walls. You'd never get that much water in the shower because it would be out into the hallway by then.
Call your RV manufacturer service department and ask them about this.
I disagree. The modern floor pan only goes up about an inch in most tubs. Look on line at tubs and you can see it.
We have replaced TWO tubs, due to cracking, (Makers Fault-Long story) and both times they leaked in that area until I sealed them. I know water does not go uphill, but they did leak until I sealed them.
Right now we are converting to a shower pan,with a 1 inch lip, and I will be caulking it.