PenMan wrote:
BTW, we have a lockbox bolted in our TT that we keep things in while on the road.
The #1 problem with RVing is a fire, not theft. Have you ever seen a video of how fast they explode into flames? You wouldn't have time to get to your lockbox. Your first concern should be to get out. Period.
We've full-timed for 18 years with much boondocking in remote places. Theft has never been a concern and we know of no one who has had a problem. We keep a case with valuables and important papers/passport, etc. It sits by the door ready to grab if we need to get out fast. If we'll be gone, say like all day, we'll take it with us.
We also scan documents, do computer backups and send a copy to our daughter's. We wouldn't loose a thing except perhaps some time re-creating our files.