It's a proven fact, over and over again, that states and communities that support the right for citizens to keep and bear arms are some of the safest communities around.
For example, Kennesaw Georgia (suburb of Atlanta) has a mandatory gun posession law. In 1982, Kennesaw City Council unanimously passed an ordinance requiring households to own at least one firearm with ammunition. The law states that its purpose is to “protect the safety, security and general welfare of the city and its inhabitants”.
In 2007, the city was selected by Family Circle magazine as one of the nation's "10 best towns for families".
Prior to enactment of the law, Kennesaw had a population of just 5,242 but a crime rate significantly higher (4,332 per 100,000) than the national average (3,899 per 100,000). The latest statistics available – for the year 2005 – show the rate at 2,027 per 100,000. Meanwhile, the population has skyrocketed to 28,189.
By comparison, the population of Morton Grove, the first city in Illinois to adopt a gun ban for anyone other than police officers, has actually dropped slightly and stands at 22,202, according to 2005 statistics. More significantly, perhaps, the city’s crime rate increased by 15.7 percent immediately after the gun ban, even though the overall crime rate in Cook County rose only 3 percent. Today, by comparison, the township’s crime rate stands at 2,268 per 100,000.
Say what you will, but there are evil people in the world. Evil people are not deterred by a population who is unable to defend themselves. A "gun ban" only means the criminals will have guns. On the other hand, the threat, or potential that a citizen MAY be armed is many times enough for someone with criminal intent to look elsewhere for an easier victim.
The constitution gives us ALL the same rights. It is not up for interpretation. I strongly believe the states are in violation of the US constitution by imposing additional restrictions on the right to bear arms. Just think if one of the states said you cannot speak out anymore against certain things? Think of the screaming about the violation of the first amendment that would occur! Yet, we, as people, aren't outraged about the attempts to erode or circumvent the second amendment because the people that are for gun control are typically ill informed, or like to jump on the bandwagon of "chic" issues. Then, when a tragedy occurs, insteady of trying to address the REAL reason for the tragedy lets just blame it on the fact that it was a gun that was used.