All by Toedtoes
No, it isn't that dangerous to travel in the US. Many Americans have the "I'm going to get them before they get me" mentality which results in wanting a gun for the rare chance that something could possibly happen at some point in their lives and they need to be prepared for that chance no matter how unlikely it is.
(I'm not being political or mean, but this IS the basic underlying reason why most Americans indicate they want a gun
Yes, I'm sure it's not an opinion. It's based on the reasons why most Americans state they want a gun - because they feel the need to protect themselves from the chance of being a victim, regardless of how unlikely they are to be a victim.
I believe you're referring to my post. To clarify, I did NOT say most Americans travel with guns. I said most Americans who say they want a gun for security make that decision regardless of how much of a risk there actually is in their lives.
I have no problem with people having guns (I have a huge family that all have guns). My only request is that if you are going to have a gun: take all the safety precautions necessary to keep others safe; don't ignore other safety precautions (like getting out of a bad area) because you think the gun is all you need; take responsibility if your gun is the cause of an injury or death to another person; and don't let an unbalanced person in your life get a hold of your gun. My other request is do not bring your gun into my home or RV - show me the respect to follow my rules in my home (or RV).
This is my post to your last comment
I've been lambasted for using the quote button. So I've tried to add your posts above but was having trouble and couldn't post all of your responses.However there is plenty above to see who has a issue with gun ownership, laws, regulation,etc. All of which you seem to be a proponent for. Regardless of the constitional provision of our second amendment. But that according to you is up for reproach. Perhaps moving to another country would fit your agenda better? Men have died protecting the very freedoms we have and constitutional rights. Can't wait to hear what you have to say about that.
From your first post on you've expressed your opinion on how you feel people should have the ability to own a firearm. EVEN In your opinion some don't or won't ever need one as most likely they'll never be involved in a situation where one is needed.
Should we start taking away people's drivers license away as many people use them as a tool for violence on a daily basis. Road rage, speeding, texting while driving.Many more people die from car accidents then law abiding citizens shooting someone protecting themselves. After all there are more trained people out there, bus drivers,taxis, trains, subways.
Maybe knifes should have special permits. They're just as dangerous as guns,probably more so as they're more likely to cause a real bleeder. What do you do with the knifes in your kitchen? Do you lock them up in a safe? Do you hide them when the kids come home or grandkids come over? Why not? They'll kill just as easy as a gun. Have you recieved training using them?
What about baseball bats? I wonder how many people have those deadly things laying around there garage for anyone to get there hands on, or maybe in the back of there trunk when on school property.
Aerosol paint cans, propane containers, etc, etc, etc, etc.
There are a lot more people dying of drugs, crazy people driving cars then someone legally trained to own a firearm or those legally owning a firearm.
Yet you want to change the constitution of our country because we need more gun laws.
What we need is people who actually understands the constitution. It protects us against people who want it changed.