et2 - you have misinterpreted my posts to justify your belief that everyone who thinks there should be gun regulations believes that no one should be allowed to have a gun. You are creating arguments where none exist to justify your hatred of people who don't agree with you 100%. Rather than discussing based on the actual points I've made, you have simply attacked me in a non-rational manner accusing me of believing things that I do not believe and have never suggested I believe.
This will be my last response to you for the above reason.
In regards to the Constitution, it is a wonderful thing. It has changed so much in the past 200 years for the entire world. But that doesn't mean it is perfect for eternity. People SHOULD question it, just like they question every other law. People SHOULD look to change it or interpret it differently, just like they do every other law. If it is to be worshipped as it is forever, then it makes no difference what it says - it will cease to be relevant to society and will be abandoned. And I for one do not want to go back to the days where the Constitution meant women and blacks had no rights (yep, those were changes/interpretations/amendments to the Constitution that you seem to think are so terribly wrong).