PA12DRVR wrote:
Actually, the OP (who hasn't been back near as I can tell) said: "I will ask buyer to give me cashier's check of a bank that has local, branch, I think. I want to be able to go to the branch in person and cash the check and also first verify that the check is good, before I sign the title over.
Had anyone done a sale like this? What are the steps with cashier's check handling to make sure one won't get defrauded?"
Escrow avoids fraud and the seller could take the Title Co's check to the local bank and cash that if they wanted cash...but that would of course trigger the scrutiny of the regulators
Right at the start, I posted what happened to me in a transaction pretty much like what you describe the OP wants. Some don't like it, but I don't think a bank would let that much cash walk out the door, with no chance to get it back.