Forum Discussion

ajacobs1112's avatar
Nov 08, 2019

Selling my RV advice

This is for anyone who has dealt with PPL Consignment in TX. I'm thinking of selling my 5th wheel and considering bringing it to PPL. I went on their website and most of the reviews are negative. I would appreciate input if you've dealt with them, or if there is another place you would recommend to sell. I really don't want to sell it myself. Thanks, Allen
  • Sounds like you are trying to refute the majority of negative reviews to justify using the service. Personally, I'd stay away just based on what you have said. Maybe find a friend that will sell it for you for a cut if you don't want to bother with it?

    I sold mine on craigslist to the first responder and #2 was very disappointed. But I had thoroughly researched its value, cleaned it up REALLY well, staged it, and took a couple of dozen of pictures that I posted along with a detailed history of its usage. And most importantly, I priced it fairly. Didn't ask any dealers, but I'm pretty confident I got way more than they would have given me. So that would leave lots of room for a friend (or even someone else) to earn some easy money.
  • I have sold three RVs on Craigslist and done well. If your rig is clean and maintained, take a LOT of photos that show it and it will sell for a reasonable price. The key is reasonable; don't think you will get what you think it is worth to you; but what it is actually worth (see similar rigs online). If it is in good or great shape then take your time for someone who knows what they are getting. You will most likely get lowball offers so don't waste your time with them. Either the buyer is serious or they're not. Most consignments benefit the company more than the seller; unless your'e not interested in meeting other RVrs. Good luck
  • If you are selling just to get rid of it, any dealership will take it. Of course, you won't get much for it either. That's the trade-off, get rid of it immediately at a low-ball offer. Or sell through some other venue with a higher price and it may never sell or you may be waiting for a long time.

    By the time the unit actually sells, and your 3rd party intermediary gets their commission cut, you might have been better off just selling to your dealership and been done with it.

    If you are upside-down on a loan, you'll never get the price you need to pay the loan off, from anywhere.