Make sure you stay in control of the process. We sold a Class A through a dealer here in Florida, that turned into somewhat of a nightmare. We signed a consignment agreement where we stated the price we wanted to receive and the dealer then set the asking price. Turned out we had a very greedy dealer, that wanted to make a killing on the sale. It ended up on his lot for most of a year, then we finally had to cut our price to get it sold. Then I had to threaten legal action to get the dealer to pay off our bank loan on the RV after it was sold. I felt the dealer should have received a $3,000 to $5,000 profit for his work on selling it, but he felt he should get more like $15,000 to $20,000. Found out later he had received several offers where he would have made about $5,000 but he turned them down without contacting me.
Just remember, the paperwork you sign will have been drawn up by the dealer's attorney and it is slanted toward the dealer. Get a copy of the agreement ahead of time, if possible, and spend some time reading and understanding what it contains before you sign. We ended up making payments and carrying insurance for almost a year because of our greedy dealer. But I have to accept the blame for not completely understanding the paperwork I signed. :(
Not sure I would give the dealer a "power of attorney" again either or just wait till it sells and go in to sign the transfer paperwork myself. It should have worked fine, but didn't. I understand many people have excellent experiences dealing with a consignment dealer such as PPL in Houston.