We sold both our RVs on Craigslist. One sold quickly, the second sold quickly the second time we listed it. When we sold the Pop-up (1st one on Craigslist), it was on Craigslist for less than a week. The folks that ended up buying it drove almost 6 hours to get it.
When we tried to sell our HTT the first time, it was at the height of the recent recession. We had a few tire kickers, but no offers. After the market picked up a few years later we tried selling it again. It went in a few hours because we priced it low. The folks that ended up buying it drove 90 minutes to get it.
Both times we sold we put as many pictures as Craigslist allowed and then linked to a ton more photos. We were very descriptive about the RV and listed everything that was wrong with them (if anything was wrong). With the pop-up we did get one scammer and a few calls from different selling "services". The HTT wasn't listed long enough to get any scammers.