Cloud Dancer wrote:
We have a national emergency going on, and it's getting worst (in a non-linear manner). Many will lose their apartment or house. The economy will tank, and we'll witness the recession go into a depression. More and more of us will have needs, and nowhere to turn. Yeah, I sound like doom and gloom. Wish, wish, wish that I'm wrong. I sure hope I can keep working on my RV, and get to do a little more RVing.
That's the mindset to spread the panic. The overwhelming majority of people who get sick, or are exposed to the virus will be completely fine. Worrying and fretting about what could happen is what is driving this frenzy of buying. Large numbers of people die from the regular flu every year, why did no one ever worry about that?
This may, repeat may, be worse but the "experts" don't know, and you can find someone who will support your personal leanings if you search hard enough. If people would just chill out, stay home, and quit buying things "just in case" we would all be better off.