pnichols wrote:
Hmmm ... as usual a lot of CA-bashing going on here ... or is it sour grapes talking!
My DW is a CA native, and I left Michigan at age 19, moved to CA, and never looked back. Thanks to good old Prop 13, our CA property taxes are way lower than what they would be otherwise and way lower than what they would be in many other "better" states (based on tax comments that I read in these forums). In our situation we pay no (as in zero) state income taxes. We have no mosquitoes. Our average humidity never gets anywhere near 80% or higher, and our mild temperatures are legendary. And, FWIW, in our particular situation none of our stick house power or RV storage power comes from burning anything.
California Prop 13 type laws should be passed in every state, IMHO, so that folks could stay in their stick houses long term if they just happened to want to, and be able to, otherwise. Regarding SS - ours and everybody else's does indeed get adjusted upwards any year whenever a certain inflation index dictates - so it's not "fixed".
As for using a Recreational Vehicle for full-time living in, I'm not sure I'm a fan of using national tax or state tax park dollars to support this. What I do support is use of tax dollars to set aside special areas where folks could full-time live at using RVs (areas kept and maintained much, much better than the Slabs) ... such that maybe true recreational part-time RV'ers could find a spot when they are able to break free and take their RV out for a few days here and there.
x2 - I think it's envy disguised as disgust.