ItsyRV wrote:
RGar974417 wrote:
Our government can give freebies to people that never contributed to this country or to illegals,so they can give a discount to those of us who worked hard and served our country.
Just to educate me, can you tell me exactly what federal benefits our government is giving to illegal immigrants?
It is not only benefits. According to DOJ there are 55,000 illegals in federal prisons,235,000 in state and local prisons. That is a huge cost prosecuting,housing them,paying for medical care,defense lawyers etc. Keeping some of them in detention centers while awaiting hearings. Since most don't have health care ,they go to hospital emergency rooms and don't pay.Their kids go to our schools.They are eligible for some programs for kids like WIC. It is estimated on average all these things cost about $118 million a year.
Twenty-six states make immigrants eligible for state-funded benefit programs. Most of these states either offer assistance to families or provide access to healthcare to otherwise uninsured immigrants. Examples of these programs are New York’s Safety Net Assistance, California’s CalFresh Food Assistance Program, and California’s Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI).