mlts22 wrote:
There are two general ways to do this:
1: Have a plumber add a "clean-out" near your rig. Semantics are critical here... you don't want to use the words, "dump station", since you might run afoul of a lot of regulations.
However, a clean-out where your dump hose adapter screws onto is perfectly OK.
2: Use a macerator pump. Done right, it isn't that much of a hassle, it allows you to pump uphill.
I've yet to hear of any place that will 'allow' you to hook up a MH to the existing sewer lines. SOOOOO be wary of what you say to a plumber if you go the route of one putting in a 'clean out' for you. Do not tell them of your intentions for the clean out. Many a license plumbers will NOT do what is against code.
And sadly your worst enemy doing this is going to be your neighbors. If you have the choice place your MH out of the line of sight of any of the neighbors. Because once they see a sewer line coming out of it trust me one of them will call you in.
Adding a clean out especially with plastic pipe is very easy.