I feel the tugging when pulling my truck, particularly on dips in the road. This is why I frequently inspect my tow bar, hitch, and base plate connections, and slow down for rough roads. A single incident can take loads beyond what was considered in the design of towing systems, especially mountings for towing brackets or base plates.
Also why I won't pull a vehicle precious to me, and why many manufacturers recommend against recreational towing when there are no transmission lubrication issues: towing is hard on the vehicle being towed.
I don't think the change from your previous rig means the forces are necessarily more, just that you feel it more with the change in length. I think it is good that you now feel it. I cringe at the common expression "I don't even feel it back there." The towed vehicle is back there, and things can be happening that you really want to know about. Did you ever see the picture of the Explorer SportTrac that was towed in Park, aluminum wheels ground flat until the vehicle was resting on the brake disks?