rk911 wrote:
camperpaul wrote:
Red Light Camera Scams
In one Chicago suburb It did improve safety.
When word got around, all traffic slowed down to 15 MPH (45 zone).
Those cameras are now GONE.
Naperville and I believe Schaumburg removed them as there was no demonstrated improvement in safety. many to most of the tickets issued is DuPage county were for right-turn-on-red infractions and not for the speed racer blowing through a red light. initially I was a supporter of red light cams but after watching how this program has morphed and changed in my county it's obvious to me that the primary reason these cams were installed was to raise revenue.
Schaumburg removed them because of the increase in rear-end accidents on the roads around Woodfield Mall.
IIRC there was a class action suit involved.