garysol wrote:
SidecarFlip wrote:
Used to charge 50 a pull if it wasn't a big rig. If it was a high buck MoHo, the price climbed with the value of the unit. I figured if that of they had the bucks to afford a Tiffin or whatever, they had the bucks to get pulled. Never took a sob story either. No money, there you sat.
You sure sound like a swell guy. Hopefully you never need any help from someone else. What comes around goes around.
I am actually, but Bizness is Bizness. I wasn't out there for my exercise, I was there to make money. $75,000.00 tractor and another 20 in equipment and freebies don't make payments, buy groceries pay the light bill or put diesel in the tractor.
If it was you out there stuck, I'd charge you double for the trouble...:B On second thought with your attitude, I'd have left you mired in the goo. I hear the mosquito's are wicked out there when it's hot and wet....
Been in a pinch before and paid for it. I don't expect anything for free and I don't reciprocate either.