Veebyes wrote:
Ependydad, a good reason to carry boards instead of those silly square plastic levelling thinghys. With boards, some block lumber & a 12 ton bottle jack you can lift the truck with the trailer on it, slide a board under the rear wheels & be on something solid to put the power to.
Been there & extricated myself a couple of times that way.
Good info. I do carry both.
I actually needed boards for the camper tires when I fell off of the pad. Unfortunately, my tailgate was wedged shut by the camper sitting on the corner of it and I couldn't get to them. The neighbor fellow grabbed his but they were long- 4' or so. When I drove the camper onto the end of it, the other end popped up and slammed into my sewer handle and outlet. Got lucky that it only broke the plastic portion of the handle and popped off the sewer cap.
It was a learning experience, that's for sure.