Forum Discussion

themoons's avatar
Feb 16, 2020

Showing Off Our Travels

This might be an odd question, but I'm wondering if anyone has found a way to display stickers on their RV in a non-permanent way. We have collected stickers from our travels and I hate to put them on our RV for fear of ruining the RV and also because if I ever traded in the RV for another model I'd want to be able to take the stickers with me.

I was thinking of seeing if I can get a big clear static cling sticker to put on the RV and then put all my stickers on that, which could then be transferred to another RV. I also thought about doing the same with a big flat thin magnet, but magnets don't stick to fiberglass.

Does anyone have any other solutions or ideas they have had?

  • mleekamp wrote:
    On our 1st TT, we placed stickers on a storage door on the outside. When we were selling it, I took off the door, bought a new one and installed, and that stickered door resides in my garage.

    ON our next TT, we began collecting simple post cards and displaying them all over the inside...every nook and cranny that could hold a card (think the small gaps between wall trim, the fridge, etc.). When we sold that TT, we have those cards in a cigar box.

    On our Class C today, we are doing the cards. But, I have stickers too (though I just put them up for some reason and don't use them), and fridge magnets. I put a few thin metal bars, bought from Menards, in the C that the magnets stick to.

    I think there are many methods...everyone has their own take on it.

    I like the idea about the Postcards. I think I'll try that! Thanks
  • On our 1st TT, we placed stickers on a storage door on the outside. When we were selling it, I took off the door, bought a new one and installed, and that stickered door resides in my garage.

    ON our next TT, we began collecting simple post cards and displaying them all over the inside...every nook and cranny that could hold a card (think the small gaps between wall trim, the fridge, etc.). When we sold that TT, we have those cards in a cigar box.

    On our Class C today, we are doing the cards. But, I have stickers too (though I just put them up for some reason and don't use them), and fridge magnets. I put a few thin metal bars, bought from Menards, in the C that the magnets stick to.

    I think there are many methods...everyone has their own take on it.
  • We put ours on the inside of storage compartment door on our 5th wheel, it's huge.The door is under the awning and is usually open when camping. Gets lots of view when friends, new and old, come visit. When we get ready to sell we use a heat gun or hair dryer to heat the glue up and stickers come off.
  • I put my "states traveled" map on a piece of white foam board and display that in the window of the TT when we camp. We get many comments on our travels.
    My map displayed on here is what is in the window.
  • I place them on a cooler we always take camping. I haven’t run out of room yet but one day I will.
  • We use a piece of Plexiglas and Velcro it to our trailer door, we add the stickers and travel place map and it came with us when we traded in our last trailer.
  • We have not yet done it, but have started downloading photo's of places we have been, as well as maps onto a sd card, which we intend to place in a digital photo frame, mounted in the rear window of our trailer, set to scroll through all the pictures. You could do something like that as well.
  • We stick them in the edge of the windows; we can take pictures when we sell the unit. If you wanted it portable, you could add a piece of plexiglass in the window and stick them there.