Forum Discussion

downtheroad's avatar
Jun 15, 2018

Sidewalk chalk

The last two site we pulled in to (Oregon State Parks) were covered in chalk drawings, art, graffiti?? It was all over the parking pad and out into the street that services the loop.

Am I just a grumpy guy or is anyone else kind of bothered by this...?
I do know that there are a lot of bigger things to get grumpy about, but....
  • Yeah, just a grumpy guy. It'll wash off and wear off with a little traffic, and if it's not obscene then no harm no foul.
  • Chalk is encouraged during the Tour of California. I like seeing it.
  • Just a grumpy guy........ :R

    downtheroad wrote:
    The last two site we pulled in to (Oregon State Parks) were covered in chalk drawings, art, graffiti?? It was all over the parking pad and out into the street that services the loop.

    Am I just a grumpy guy or is anyone else kind of bothered by this...?
    I do know that there are a lot of bigger things to get grumpy about, but....
  • Would not bother me in the least, will wash off next rain. Now if it was spray paint that would be different. Kids entertaining themselves in a non-distructive way.
  • Yeah great. Lets teach these kids to be vandals. It is not OK to mark up public or someone else's property.
  • We have seen the same thing. One was a drawing of Rapunzel, a woman in a castle with long hair hanging down. We supposed it was kids having fun. We liked it.

    Edit: To get the right fairy tale.